Friday, July 29, 2011

Credible Source- A Victim of Teen Pregnancy

Another great, yet unfortunate example of a credible source is a victim of a teen pregnancy. The child. No matter how much love they receive, or even if they have the lucky chance that the father stays with the mother as a prominent figure in their lives, the child still suffers. Take this scenario for example, a mother who had a child at 16 and the child is now 20 themselves. They are just about in their middle years of college and have a prospective job career ahead. They broke the cycle and do not have any children of their own and are pretty much productive citizens fulfilling their civic duty. Say this hypothetical child's name is Sara. Sara says that she loves her mother and wishes she had a father in her life as a real role model. She loves her mother unconditionally, but a father is just something that a mothers role cannot fill. Also, she wishes that her mother was home more often because she works two jobs to support her little family (since she never had time to get the education she wanted), and she wishes that she did not have to work so much in college to support herself, and have time to just focus on her studies. Of course, life is not perfect, but one who is not a victim of teen pregnancy and has two loving parents, is much more at risk for success.

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