Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fear-Inducing Message

Teen pregnancy is not a laughing matter. It can ruin your life and take everything from you. Everyone is susceptible to this problem, no exceptions. The second picture is supposed to represent a girl that looks familiar. That girl could be me, you, or someone you date. The first picture is a homeless pregnant teen. This could have resulted in pregnancy and not enough income to support yourself AND another person. There is always peer pressure in young relationships to take the next step. Even if you think you are in love, never let anyone pressure you into doing something you do not feel 100% comfortable doing. If they pressure you, that is NOT love. If you decide to engage in sexual intercourse, you must protect yourself because pregnancy WILL happen, even the first time. If you take the time to get informed at places like Planned Parenthood, or your school's wellness education center, then pregnancy is preventable. There are so many types of contraceptives out there these days that if one is not working, there are plenty more to try. It is free, easy, and confidential for everyone.

Unwanted pregnancy causes many problems. It tears apart families and young girls lives. Many times their boyfriends leave them because they do not feel the direct results of the pregnancy and they do not know how to be adults and deal with the situation. Also, there is no more time for a social life, no time to go out with friends, and no time to do things to better yourself. The responsibilities of taking care of a child are endless. You need an income to care for a child because they are extremely expensive. You need to know HOW to take care of a child. If you yourself are barely old enough to take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of a child? Many young people are misinformed and uneducated about teen pregnancy, which also leads to pregnancy. It CAN and WILL happen on the very first time. If you do not protect yourself with contraceptives or abstinence, you WILL get pregnant, no if's and's or but's about it. Just because you think you are in love and you want to make someone happy, engaging in sexual intercourse is not the answer. If you use protection and are informed, then you will not get pregnant. Even if you do happen to engage in sexual activity and become pregnant as a result, if you are informed there are steps to take to absolve the problem. There is Plan B, which is a 72 hour contraceptive post unprotected sexual activity. Also, abortion and adoption are valuable alternatives to raising a child. To stay away from teen pregnancy, there are many steps to take. One would be getting informed, either from your school, Planned Parenthood, an adult you trust, or any safe facility administering medical assistance. Also, talking to your boyfriend, or trusting your boyfriend not to pressure you into doing anything you do not feel comfortable doing. You can also just say NO!!

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