Friday, August 5, 2011

Final Explanation

Message 1- This was a fear-inducing message. The reason that I choose the picture of the girl with the sign that reads, "please help feed my eating addiction" because it was a good picture of a girl that obviously looks grungy and looks like someone we all could possibly know or end up being. I wanted it to look like something that was not far fetched and could never happen to you. The second picture is more accurate in terms of the sign "lost job pregnant homeless hungry anything helps g-d bless!". There is no picture of her face but I wanted to send the message that by getting pregnant so young, without a stable job, relationship, or education a girl who is pregnant could end up on the streets. She can barley support herself so how would she ever support her child? I also wrote about the consequences of engaging in sexual activity and how it can happen even after the very first time, which many girls don't know.

Message 2- The reason I choose these pictures was because I wanted them to purposely use and have a lot of colors and distractions. They are both forms of cartoons so I thought that the colors and the images would distract from the real problem. Also the second cartoon has dialogue and it is slightly humorous, even more so to distract from the problem at hand. I choose the commercial because I thought it was a perfect sort of distraction with all the colors and the bad acting and the dance they are attending. It is simple enough in that it is warning you not to engage too much in this type of behavior because the consequences will follow (pregnancy).

Message 3- First I explained again some more statistics as to why and how to prevent teen pregnancy. I even showed a picture of a teen statistic. Then I explained why someone just might want to have a child at such a young age for various reasons or other. Then I proceeded to explain that none of those reasons constitute teen pregnancy. I also have a picture of Barbie who is pictured loving pregnancy because of all the cool clothes she can now buy. There is nothing cool about pregnancy and Barbie making an example out of that. I also have a site linked on my blog about a young girls personal story about getting pregnant. It is about a nice girl who gets pregnant and she says that she never thought it could happen to her. I choose this story because I wanted to explain that it really can happen to anyone, first time or last, no exceptions. I also thought she was a credible and reliable source that girls could relate to or feel sympathy with.

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